Thursday, November 24, 2011
Breaking Through Semester 2!
i've got to work hard for this semester 2 . i don't want to get another 2.75 again. i'm a bit jealous to those who get 3.50 and above but oh well congratulation to them.i am not sure weather this course is hard or am i the one make it hard. my writing skill got to build and especially presentation. i am so suck when it comes to that. work hard! that is all in my mind now.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Things that i have bought
Last week i have bought Hatsune Miku Wig! yay! but the costume haven't been done yet. hurmm. hopefully i can get it done before the Comic Fiesta 2011. :)
Reading Skill Exam
tdi exam reading skill. hurmm. boleh la jawab but keluar awl lak tdi. haih. tak penah2 aku kluar awl sbb dlm dewan tu sejuk. now re'dhor je la keputusan ape aku dpt. #stab stab#
Monday, August 15, 2011
Steamboat ForeverYoung
YAY! pada 13.8.2011 satu buka puasa bersama2 ngan group forever young tlah di adakan.sebanyak 24org yg hadirkan diri mereka. best la sbb ade cooperative .hehe. yang tak kerje pun sanggup redah je kan.It is a lot of fun. Next time boleh la buat lagi yer looking forward to it.haha.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Dolly Doll

i think the "doll" is just the right word for me because when some one is bored or been left alone she/he will find and talk to me but when they got a thing to kill some time i will be ignore.Just like a doll.When some one is bored they will play with the doll to just to entertain them self even though they knew it was boring to play with. This is why i said that i'm just like a doll. Anyone will find me when they have nothing to do but i will try get use to that situation.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
YEAH! today it's my happy day.for the first time my date is at the National Zoo Kuala Lumpur.Around 11a.m i arrive at the National Zoo.It was kinda fun to date there once in a while.The last year that i visited the National Zoo is when i was in form 4 and for he it was like when he was in the primary school.It was quite long.The whether is kind of hot but i don't mind it.HAHA.i'm sweating very badly.After we round'up the National Zoo then we went to the One Utama,Damansara to catch some movie.At first we going to watch the "Mr.Popper Penguin" for the second time but the showtime is kind of late so we switch it to "HANNA" it's not that bad the story line.The most i enjoy today is that i get to snap a LOOOOTTT of picture of him. =3.It's a very rare things to happen.hohoho.let it be a secret to my self.hehe.i don't want to share the pcture.i want to keep it own my own!HAHAHA.IT MINE!!ALL MINE!! *with evil voices*.hahaha. Excited! xD
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Assignment ~
Stay up ngan my mmbr that is aisya and ruqayya but malangnye aisya dah tumbang dlu tinggal la aku and ruqayya jer.agak penat yer stay up wat assignment miss maria uh.haih.ramai gler tak siap.macam2 aku and ruqayya buat.tergelak mlm2.muke masing2 konon je serious padahal mcm bangang jer.hahaha.well in the end we all nye assignment tak siap sepenuh nyer.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Konvoi Bukit Broga And Sg.Tekala.
Pheww!Nak update blog smlm tak larat plak en sbb naik bukit broga+mandi air terjun.mmg penat la kan sbb dua aktiviti dlm satu mase.pergi ngan group2 Forever Young(Puchong).Dalam 16 org pergi klu tak silap 8 ke 7 org perempuan yg lain semua laki.yg berpasangan 5psgn la kot "the muda's team" , "pokde and mokde " , "Faisyah" ,"Salleh Yayon" and "Sarah and Bai(tak de name glamour)".ade la wat mini game takat nak title broga hills. pemenang nye pokde and mokde.HOHO.
Around Jam 4.00pgi mereka bertolak dari puchong. 4.45pgi smpi semenyih. jam 5.00pgi bertolak mendaki bukit broga.well biase la torch light sume aku yg kne bwk. huhu . dlm perjalanan naik takde masalah la.byk berhenti je bile dah smpi 3rd stage.around jam 6.15 smpi la di atas.mmg best la klu dah smpi ats tu.ade plak brader kentut time naik ats.haha.
Ape kami wat kat ats tu?.borak2.makan2.gurau2.duduk2.baring2.menikmati keindahan alam la.haha.dlm jam 8.30pgi we all prepare untuk turun bawah.ni yg best.haha. a'aa,sham,fairul,aren,fitri and the mudes main glonsor.seronok pulak mereka main.haha.smpi ade yg tergolek.HAHA.yg selebih nye turun ngan care sopan la.so smpai lmbt. D: .
Kali ni yg smpi bwh dlu "the mudes"team di ikuti ngan "sarah and bai" (maintain ranking number 2)haha.tak de kje wat mini game gitu sebenarnye,haha.tgu mereka semua smpi kat bwh.relaxs.tgkp gmbr."HUHA HUHA" then semua naik kereta untuk pergi kedai makn dan makan "BREAKFAST" mmg dah kebulur habis la kan.HAHA.
Around Jam 4.00pgi mereka bertolak dari puchong. 4.45pgi smpi semenyih. jam 5.00pgi bertolak mendaki bukit broga.well biase la torch light sume aku yg kne bwk. huhu . dlm perjalanan naik takde masalah la.byk berhenti je bile dah smpi 3rd stage.around jam 6.15 smpi la di atas.mmg best la klu dah smpi ats tu.ade plak brader kentut time naik ats.haha.
Ape kami wat kat ats tu?.borak2.makan2.gurau2.duduk2.baring2.menikmati keindahan alam la.haha.dlm jam 8.30pgi we all prepare untuk turun bawah.ni yg best.haha. a'aa,sham,fairul,aren,fitri and the mudes main glonsor.seronok pulak mereka main.haha.smpi ade yg tergolek.HAHA.yg selebih nye turun ngan care sopan la.so smpai lmbt. D: .
Kali ni yg smpi bwh dlu "the mudes"team di ikuti ngan "sarah and bai" (maintain ranking number 2)haha.tak de kje wat mini game gitu sebenarnye,haha.tgu mereka semua smpi kat bwh.relaxs.tgkp gmbr."HUHA HUHA" then semua naik kereta untuk pergi kedai makn dan makan "BREAKFAST" mmg dah kebulur habis la kan.HAHA.

Esok la smbg for SG.TEKALA plak.hohoho
Monday, June 6, 2011
Lamenye tak Update~
wow.lame gler aku tak update blog aku ni.kdg aku nk update tak tahu nk tulis ape.jenis tak rajin menaip dan pakai ayat pun berterabur.tu yg kdg mls nk update.haha.mcm haprak je je klu blog tak update.ade gak mmbr2 tnye asl tak update blog.@@.but now aku akan try la update tiap hari.haha. =x
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Done Ordering It!

Horayyy.i already order this wig at the forum.^^.
i will be following my plan about being ciel cosplayer but in ballroom version.
the wig is a bit cost for me.I order it at taobao website but there someone helping me out.
The Wig Is Rm134 but there is a promotion.
Buy blue wig and get half price for a pair of blue lens.
The lens is Rm18(included postage)
After it sum up,the price is Rm154.huhu.gotta keep a secret from my mom
if she know.definitely get killed.
all is left for me is the dress. 8D
Sunday, February 27, 2011
New Family member to the CFFFamily
New Family Recruit at the Comic Fiesta Forum thing.Well I am happy about joining in to that kind of family.X3 but i still a bit shy in that family things.i'm playing as the granpa[oji-chan][in the morning]and stubborn daughter[at night].and yes!i'm playing as a dwi-personality .hehe.
this is the family tree plan.hoho.
Grandma: Kruido Obaa-san (Morning)
Grandpa: Sarah Oji-san (Morning)
Mummie: K-mero Oka-san
Daddie: Kruido Oto-san (Night)
Husband: Kuro Usagi Hubbie
Onee-chan(s): Vivi onee-chan (Baby Lion that meows ouo !), Sarah onee-chan/stubborn daughther (Night)
Onii-chan(s): Dark onii-chan
Twinnie: Yoko onee-san
Family stalker(s): Kimm (Usagi Stalker *A*)
Personal Butler: Kimm (Usagi Butler *A*) , Tama-tama (Yoko onee-san's personal butler)
Bodyguards: Douji-san (Personal Bodyguard xDD)
Pet(s): Huai Ai (Tortise)
Grandpa: Sarah Oji-san (Morning)
Mummie: K-mero Oka-san
Daddie: Kruido Oto-san (Night)
Husband: Kuro Usagi Hubbie
Onee-chan(s): Vivi onee-chan (Baby Lion that meows ouo !), Sarah onee-chan/stubborn daughther (Night)
Onii-chan(s): Dark onii-chan
Twinnie: Yoko onee-san
Family stalker(s): Kimm (Usagi Stalker *A*)
Personal Butler: Kimm (Usagi Butler *A*) , Tama-tama (Yoko onee-san's personal butler)
Bodyguards: Douji-san (Personal Bodyguard xDD)
Pet(s): Huai Ai (Tortise)

MMG BEST LAH CITER DUA NIH! cume burlesque tu cite for 18 la en...tpi kesah ape yg penting suara christina mmg best!meremang na bulu roma dgr suare dye.*blushing*
i am number four plak rasenye ade continue dye kot sbb ade 9 number semua nya.tpi dye cume citer number 4 an 6 jer.best lah sbb michael bay punya citer.
but satu yg tak best wayang mid valley lah.sgt membosankan.screen tak besar.so next time tamau arh tgk kat situ.baek tgk at signature GSC at the garden.even if tiket wayang mahal but best tape lah.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
D.O.T.A anyone?

DOTA!?ade ke prempuan men dota?pelik sgt ke bunyi dye klu pompuan men dota.>.<.well ade je yg men.i just starting to play it for now.hohoho.there's still so much i got to learn about it.Dah stat men dota ni en.klu tak paham mmg tak de maknenya nk give up en.hehe.Kne la train dan train smpi reti men.bukan smpi tahap pro.LOL.There already a pupil who can guide me playing that dota.hehehe.My Sayang pun men gak dota tu.ade la minx tip2 dari dye. XD.
pape pun!train dan train!sampai bleh pawn hero len.hohoho!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
This Is It!
With this kind of hobby.i think i can put aside all the problem that i been having in the past.^_^ . i will make friend in a forum for now.A friend Who Share The Same Hobby weeeeeee~~~~~
Ahh.My Otaku is coming back~

Horayyy! Now I can concentrate all my anime back.due to my SPM i been delaying a lot of anime.huhu.but now i will try catching up all again.Now that i have working i can be a cosplayer.the one that i been dreaming to be when i first saw Cosplay Competition that held at Sungei Wang. the one who show it to me is my sister.To become a cosplayer it cost a lot of munny and now i hopefully i can be one of it this year.it will be my first time. X3
Thanx to aya-chan cause giving me an advice about how to cosplaying. ngehhh~.There's a lot of anime that i want to cosplaying but well it's a lil bit limited.THE COST!WHERE CAN I FIND A LOT OF MONEY!! =(. i will try and cosplaying Ciel Phantomhive The Ballroom Ver.(Kuroshitsuji). I hope there's nothing getting in my way. X3
I Miss my drawing .now i'm very bad at it.haihh.I WILL PRACTICE it again and again =3 so that i can master it.i want it to be back as my hobby and killing time.teeheehee.
That's all ! =)
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Karaoke!Malaysia Idol + New Friend!
Then today lak saya dapat mmbr baru.namanya farah.hehe.suke tgk rmbut dye.style seh.renna yg knl kan saya dekat farah tu. ;).bile la leh kuar plak ngan dye.hahahx.skang ni misi mencari kwn ramai2 baru la hidup tak rase sunyi je.Thanks Renna sebab tlg knlkan aku dekat mmbr kau.=).
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
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